Migraine is a common problem of the nervous system. It is characterized by frequent headaches that are triggered by some particular factors. Migraine headaches are very much rampant in the modern world. Statistics reveal that there may be about 15% of the total world population suffering from some kind of migraine or the other, out of which about 5% are yet to be diagnosed.
Causes of Migraine (Anantavaata)
The exact cause of migraine is not known. Meaning that, it is not known why some people are prone to migraine-related headaches and some others are not. In people with migraine complaints, it is observed that there are usually some triggering factors that bring on the migraine headache.
A list of the common triggering factors for migraine is given below:- A. Causes Related to Lifestyle
Busy and hectic life, rife with lots of tensions and worries
Financial problems and major losses of money
Continuous and prolonged exposure to toxins and chemical pollutants, including smoke and fumes
Excessive smoking
Sudden changes of climate
Continuous exposure to loud sound
Watching too much television, especially those with lot of sound and visual effects
Improper sleep patterns – either too much, too little or interrupted
Pubertal changes in girls
Pregnancy in women
Extreme excitation of either sorrow or happiness
B. Causes Related to Diet
Monosodium glutamate, i.e. ajinomoto in food
Too much of oily or spicy food
Fermented foods and foods containing too much yeast
Beverages such as tea, coffee and colas
Excessive consumption of dairy products
Flesh foods that are not fresh
Grapes and raisins
Dry fruits such as nuts and peanuts
All kinds of alcoholic drinks
C. Causes Related to Medication
Drugs that dilate the blood vessels, such as nitroglycerine
Too much painkillers
Withdrawal from painkillers
Birth control pills
Aminophylline, used by asthmatic patients
Reserpine, nifedipine and diuretics used by high blood pressure patients
According to Ayurvedic principles, migraine is a tridosha disorder, i.e. vitiation in any of the three doshas – vata, pitta or kapha – can cause migraines. Out of the three doshas, pittadosha is the most prominent factor. Pittadosha causes the dilation of the blood vessels, which causes the onset of a migraine attack.
Treatment for Migraine (Anantavaata) Relief The treatment of anantavaata by Ayurveda follows a very systematic synergic pattern. The treatment is a three-point process, which is as follows:-
Controlling the rebounding of the migraine attack
Reduce the exposure to triggering factors
Medication to prevent the future attacks
When migraine treatment is done only through allopathic or other forms of medication, then there may be a chance of rebounding in the future. Also, most medication cannot totally eliminate the migraine condition from the body. Ayurveda aims not only removing the severity of the migraine attack, but also prevents the recurrence of attacks in the future.
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